couple in 50s walking on beach

This is a very common question we hear from patients interested in LASIK at our 4 Chicagoland locations  (Elmhurst, Naperville, South Barrington, and Lincolnwood) . While LASIK has transformed the lives of many, the procedure is generally most effective for individuals between the ages of 21 and 35. As we age, our eyes undergo changes that might not make LASIK the best option. Recognizing these shifts allows us to customize vision correction options that cater specifically to our patients’ visual health and lifestyle.

The LASIK Lowdown: Vision Correction Unveiled

LASIK and SMILE LASIK are popular vision correction procedures that have helped millions of patients achieve visual freedom. By reshaping the cornea, LASIK offers a permanent solution to refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. SMILE also reshapes the cornea, but it’s Not Your Parents’ LASIK. SMILE is a less invasive laser vision correction option and patients achieve exceptional results with fewer side effects and a shorter recovery time.

Ideal Candidates for LASIK

Whether you are eligible for LASIK laser vision correction largely depends on the health and stability of your eyes, not just how many birthdays you’ve celebrated. Key factors in determining candidacy for LASIK are:

  • Stable vision: your prescription must remain the same for at least one year.
  • Eye health: Some patients have refractive errors that are too high for LASIK to correct. Other patients who have been diagnosed with presbyopia, cataracts, thin corneas may be better served by a different vision correction procedure.
  • Overall health: Patients need to be in good general health before considering laser vision correction procedures like LASIK. As we age, our eye health changes. This can affect LASIK candidacy.

If you aren’t a candidate for LASIK, don’t worry—we offer a wide range of vision correction procedures that could be the right fit for you. Take our 60-second LASIK self-test to learn more.




Vision Correction After 50: Finding the Right Fit

While our vision correction specialists have helped thousands achieve better vision, individuals over 45 often find that a lens-based procedure is more suitable for their needs. This is because, starting in our 40s, our eyes begin to experience natural changes like the onset of presbyopia and the development of cataracts, leading to different vision needs. It’s about matching you with the best solution for your vision as it evolves.

Does LASIK Correct Cataracts?

No, LASIK does not correct cataracts. Even patients who have undergone LASIK are just as likely to develop cataracts as patients who have never had refractive surgery.

It’s possible to refine your vision with LASIK even after cataract surgery, but ideally, we aim to minimize the need for multiple surgeries. That’s why for anyone over 45 or those who might face cataracts earlier, we often suggest a lens-based option right from the start. This way, we can enhance your vision for the long long and prevent cataracts from happening in the future.

Does LASIK Correct Presbyopia?

No again. Presbyopia, or age-related near vision loss, is something that many of us start to notice after the age of 40. It’s that moment when you realize you’re stretching your arms out just to read texts or see a menu. This happens because the lens inside our eye gets a bit stiffer, making it difficult to focus up close. LASIK won’t correct this.

If you’ve already had LASIK and find yourself reaching for reading glasses, it’s because presbyopia has begun to affect your vision. To address this, you may consider a second procedure that’s tailored for up-close vision. Much like with cataracts, a lens-based approach is often our go-to method for dealing with presbyopia, offering a lasting solution to this age-related vision change.

RLE: A LASIK Alternative

For patients in their 50s, 60s and beyond, Refractive Lens Exchange is often the ideal vision correction solution.

RLE involves replacing the eye’s natural lens with an artificial one. The procedure is the same as cataract surgery, but can be performed electively for patients who don’t have cataracts. Not only can RLE improve distance vision as well as presbyopia, but the implantation of an artificial lens also prevents cataracts from forming. This procedure can be customized with different types of intraocular lenses (IOLs) to fit the patient’s specific vision needs.

Embark on Your Journey to Improved Vision

At Kovach Eye Institute, we believe in vision without limits. We are one of Chicagoland’s leading provider of personalized vision correction. Our specialty is providing tailored vision solutions that accommodate your unique needs, no matter your age. We invite you to take the next step towards visual freedom. Schedule your consultation today, and let us guide you towards the best vision of your life.



1Review of Ophthalmology. Refractive Surgery for Patients over 50. Available: Accessed March 26, 2024.

2Prokofyeva E, Wegener A, Zrenner E. Cataract prevalence and prevention in Europe: a literature review. Acta Ophthalmol. 2013 Aug;91(5):395-405. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2012.02444.x. Epub 2012 Jun 20. PMID: 22715900. Available: Accessed March 26, 2024.