Want LASIK? Here are 6 Signs You Could Be A Candidate!
Does clear vision without the hassle of glasses sound desirable? Life without glasses and contacts is possible with vision correction procedures like LASIK.
That’s what makes LASIK the world’s leading refractive surgery. It is effective at eliminating your need for glasses and contacts!
However, getting it is not quite as simple as walking into an eyecare office and setting a procedure date. To undergo LASIK, you must go through a LASIK candidacy exam.
This exam is necessary to ensure a safe and successful outcome for your procedure. Keep reading to learn about six signs that you are a good LASIK candidate.
Stable Vision
Your vision must be stable for at least a year before your procedure to ensure lasting results from LASIK. Your eyesight can fluctuate due to factors like hormone changes, among other causes.
If your eyes change after LASIK, it could undo the positive results it gave you. If your eyesight has changed recently, you will have to wait until it is stable for a year before getting LASIK. Waiting for stability is one way you increase your chances of exceptional LASIK results.
Your age and eye development as you get older is one reason your eyes can change. When you’re young, your eyes grow like every other part of your body.
This growth affects the quality of your eyesight. That’s why LASIK is only FDA approved for people at least 18 years old.
Many doctors even have you wait until you are well into your twenties before getting LASIK. Waiting this long ensures that your eyes have finished developing.
General Health
You must be in good overall health to undergo LASIK. Certain diseases and conditions can affect your body’s ability to heal.
Diseases like diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis, and others can impact the healing process. If your body can’t heal after the procedure, you can’t get LASIK.
Eye Health
Your eyes need to be free from injury and disease before LASIK. Eye conditions or damage to your eyes can disrupt the recovery process.
Problems like corneal abrasions, infections, and dry eye can interfere with your recovery. Any eye conditions like these must be under control before your LASIK procedure.
Reasonable Prescription
LASIK is an excellent option for many people, but it can’t treat extreme prescription strengths. If you have severe nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, a LASIK alternative may be better for you.
Corneal Thickness
LASIK corrects your vision by reshaping your cornea. That means there must be enough corneal tissue for your surgeon to work with.
Some people have thin corneas, which can make LASIK dangerous. If your corneas are too thin for LASIK, you may be a good candidate for PRK or another LASIK alternative.
Your eye doctor will help you determine if you are a good LASIK candidate. If you aren’t, they can recommend other procedures that provide similar results.
The only way to know if you can get LASIK is to have a LASIK consultation. Schedule an appointment at Kovach Eye Institute in Lincolnwood, IL, today and find out if LASIK is right for you!